
The Department of Anatomy congratulates​:

Dr. Roarke Kamber on being named a Searle Scholar 2024

Dr. Tomasz Nowakowski on receiving the Vilcek Prize for Creative Promise in Biomedical Science 2024

Dr. Evan Feinberg on receiving the Kavli IFN Service 2023 Award

Dr. Rohit Bose and Dr. Param Singh on receiving the NIH Director's New Innovator Award 2023

Dr. Rohit Bose on receiving the NIH DP2 Grant from the National Cancer Center 2023

Dr. Param Singh on receiving the NIH DP2 Grant from the National Institute on Aging 2023

Dr. Rushika Perera on receiving the AACR-MPM Transformative Cancer Research Grant 2023

Dr. Tomasz Nowakowski on receiving the Joseph Altman Award in Developmental Neuroscience 2023

Dr. Barbie Klein on being a recipient of the Distinction in Teaching Award 2023 

Dr. Saul Villeda on being a recipient of the Byers Award 2023

Dr. Licia Selleri on receiving the Outstanding Mentorshp Award from the School of Medicine 2022-2023

Dr. Barbie Klein on being a recipient of the American College of Dentists Outstanding Faculty Member Award 2023

Dr. Todd Nystul on being the recipient of the NIH DEIA Mentorship Supplement Grant 2022

Dr. Andrew Yang on being a recipient of the NIH Director's Early Independence Award 2022

Dr. Rohit Bose on being the recipient of a multi-year Research Scholar Grant from the American Cancer Society 2022

Dr. Saul Villeda on being the recipient of the McKnight Brain Research Foundation Innovator Awards in Cognitive Aging and Memory Loss - 2021

Dr. Rushika Perera on being the recipient of the Günter Blobel Early Career Award 2021

Dr. Madeline Norris on being the 2020-2021 School of Pharmacy Teacher of the year

Dr. Qili Liu on being selected to be a pew biomedical scholar in 2021

Dr. Madeline Norris on being the 2021 Excellence in Teaching Award Recipient 

Dr. Rushika Perera on being the recipient of ASCB 2021 honorific awards

Dr. Barbie Klein on receiving the 2021 Excellence in Interprofessional Teaching Award 2021

Drs. Annemarie Donjacour, Derek Harmon, and Madeleine Norris once again on being the recipients of the Dean’s Apple Award 2021

Dr. Jeroen Roose for receiving the inaugural Endeavor Award from the Mark Foundation 2021

Drs. Annemarie Donjacour, Derek Harmon, and Madeleine Norris on being the recipients of the Dean’s Apple Award 2020